Friday, 18 March 2011

Thursday 10th March - Change of Plan

Thursday 10th March

The ideas and the plot of the film was changing. Michaellas Ideas was to have the man on his own sorting their camera out and sticking pictures of the girls up on his wall. Then a camera flash is to be used. Girls walking in a park laughing and the man is in the background taking pictures. The girl drops her scarf without both of them realising and leaves the park and this will be edited into slow motion as the scarf hits the floor. The man picks up the scarf and sniffs it a camera flash is used again and then it goes back to him in his room looking at pictures and placing the scarf neatly on his table.

Alex's idea was to have the girls tied up and have a person running around the college trying to find them as well has the performance and the stalker piece.

We finally resolved the solution by sticking with the original idea but adding more of an enigma to it something that audience would want to watch more of. We added Alex's idea of the girls being tied up instead of a stalker just taking pictures.
I still feel unsure and worried about the how long we will have to film it. If I keep positive and stay motivated I can bring the groups spirits back up and make sure that we can make this film work.

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