Saturday, 19 March 2011

Friday 18th March

I went to the editing suite to start getting the footage all together and start making it, but when I got there it was already started. The girls had been there yesterday after Alex's unconscious scene and they stayed all lunch time to start it. I looked at it and it looks really good. I am pleased that the girls have started it and have learned a few tricks and skills about editing, which will help the editing process a lot quicker. All I have to do is make the Stage Girls logo and get it into the timeline.

This is what they have started. They have used layering has an effect for Alex remembering looking for them and memories of them, Michaela playing the piano for example.

Thursday 17th March - New Idea for Film - Filming Session 4

Today we had another idea for the film and that Alex can be filmed on a road, preferably not a main or street road and that she can be remembering her friends and that she is looking for them, giving the audience something to try and figure out. We filmed Alex on a cobbled road between two rows of terraced Houses. We had a slight problem, she wasn't wearing the same clothes that she was wearing on Tuesday. So we had to make sure we only got her head and shoulders. We had Alex to wake up in shock to show that she was unconscious for a long time.

As well has this we filmed Michaela and Shasta in the performance piece and we wanted Aaron to be in this piece too, where he is behind the curtain watching them. I used a zoom on him with Michaela in the shot playing the piano, oblivious to him and then I did the point of View shot from behind the curtain, I moved the curtain as though the stalker was moving it and looking at them.

Tuesday 15th March - Change of Plan & Filming Session 3

Today was the initial day me and Michaela were going to film the performance scene again but only this time with a better idea of what we need and more improved shots. Unfortunately Michaela forgot her dress, keeping with the continuity, and she didn’t feel well. So no filming today so we decided to film it on Thursday. But Thursdays plans was changed again.

It was decided that it would be better if we shot in more than 1 location, instead of in the college grounds. So it was decided that I was to film, seen has I have had good past experience with a camera and Tripod and Shasta is going to take my place. Shasta is going to wear the scarf, keeping with the continuity and plot.

Today we went to the park which is a few minutes’ walk from the college and film in there and the surrounding area. Alex will be looking for them shouting Lucy and Jenny, we will have her running in more than one location. There is a bridge next to the park that will be a good place to shoot. We would also have Aaron to do the taking of the pictures.

I actually didn't mind this sudden change of plan because I realised that it was able to be done and we had a good hour or so to do it and I was able to put my skills to good use and that we are able to shoot some good shots.

Today was excellent. The outcome was positive and we felt really pleased with what we had produced. We filmed the sequences we needed and we also came up with a few new ideas on the spot, being out there filming and looking at the surrounding area gave a few ideas and shots we could do. Michaela and Alex came up with the idea that we should have some footage of the place being empty. The sense of emptiness gives the audience something to think about, questions rising in their minds and gives a sort of weird and eerie feel. So I filmed the playground area, which was area by using a tilt up shot and then I saw the swings and one of them was tied around at the top and dangling from an awkward angle. I decided to film these from different angles, in front of them, while they were swinging, giving it that weird and creepy feel. Michaela was sat on a rocking apparatus and it made a weird squeaking sound, so we recorded that while recording the swings. This did pick up but the camera had picked up the wind and so we couldn't use it.

We also had the idea of a shot of Aaron’s feet walking from the tree and down to the bench where the girls sat and where Shasta left the Scarf. I panned on his feet and then cut to another low angle of the scarf on the bench and him picking it up. I then cut again to a shot of his back and his cheek; he lifts the scarf up and sniffs it.

Before we left the park we shot Alex running down a path shouting Lucy and Jenny and running past the camera.

We then had then had another idea whilst going to the bridge that there was a footpath and it looked scruffy, with the fencing all mattered and torn down and the trees giving a dark feel over it too. We had Michaela and Shasta walking down and me holing the camera as though being Aaron, Shasta says "I've forgotten my scarf" and Michaela replies with "let’s go back and get it" they turn around as thought to go back and get it, they instantly scream. The first take they didn't know I was filming, the second time they didn't perfectly, it was truly realistic. I nearly jumped back a bit because I didn't expect it to be so sudden and loud. But this was great because it gave it that realistic feel and that something they have seen is pretty scary indeed.  

We then finished with Alex running along the Bridge and shouting Lucy and Jenny we had her looking over the bridge too make it obvious she is looking for them. On the road and the bridge that we were filming on, although it wasn’t a main or street road, it did lead to a Cement Factory and a truck was heading along the road to go to it Alex was on the other side of the bridge so we had to shout to Alex to keep in and keep off the road and that a truck was coming. She did so and we had to keep in mind about Health and Safety to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Today went really well and we were very pleased with the outcome. We came up with some good ideas as well as those on the spot being out there on location. I am pleased that the girls did very well with the acting and that we all co-operated as a group and thanks to Aaron for coming out too, to reshoot his scenes.

Monday 14th March - Filming Session 2

Today we filmed Alex and Shasta running outside the college shouting Jenny and Lucy, the names given to the characters of the other two girls that me and Michaela play. I recorded Alex and Shasta's shots from a variety of Angles as well has Aaron's scene.

Long/Mid Shot: This showed Alex and Shasta running from the top of the path to the bottom allowing enough time to cut the piece down/Edit. I also had both Alex and Shasta looking over the bars. I had  few second shot of Alex and then Shasta and then both of them. My idea was to have them both then have Shasta fade out and Alex is still in place then Alex to fade out and Shasta back in place and then Shasta fades and no one is there.

Close up/Low angle: This showed Alex and Shasta's feet running along the path as well has the dropping of the scarf, but I didn't hit record I pressed it after it thought I had recorded it, the record was paused when I wanted to record the scarf falling. I must remember to look at the footage before going back to capture it onto the computer and make sure that it is actually recording and that we have several takes of each piece of footage.

Over the Shoulder shot: This shows Aaron taking the pictures of Me and Michaela walking and me dropping the scarf. This allows the audience to see from Aaron's point of view and gives it that creepy feel for the audience.

For the Stair scene I tried to keep with has much continuity as possible. Here are the selection of shots I decided to do whilst keeping with continuity.

High angle shot: Alex runs passed the camera and down the stairs and stops to at the top of the second flight of stairs so I can move the camera to the bottom and continue the sequence.

Low angle shot: Alex runs down the second flight of stairs and passed the camera which continues the running from the top of the stairs keeping with the continuity.

Mid shot: Shasta walks past the camera and pauses a few inches away from the bar at the stop of the stairs

Worms eye Shot: Shasta continues from the pause and looks over the edge of the bar looking down keeping with the continuity and then another shot of her looking disappointed from the reaction Alex makes and then walks away from the bar and out of shot.

 Setting up the tripod getting ready to film.
Filming Aarons piece, lifting the Digital Camera up as though taking a picture of the girls walking. 
The pieces of footage used for the Film.