Thursday, 27 January 2011

AS Media - Continuity Exercise & Brief of Opening Film Sequence

 For the Media AS Foundation Unit we are to create a 2 minute opening film sequence by using a variety of camera angles and movements, editing, possible locations and non copy write sound. Before going straight into this I took part in the first exercise looking at continuity using a DVR Camera and Tripod.
Continuity Exercise
We worked in groups using one DVR Camera and Tripod. I and the other 2 members of our group already have had experience using the DVR Camera and Tripod so it was easy for us to use. The task was to practice with the camera and making perfect shots of continuity.
The camera is on the tripod a few feet away from the door the actor will walk through and use a pan, tracking the actor in a mid range shot, while they walk to the door.
Another shot will be taken where they have their hand on the door handle and open the door.
The camera is then paused and moved in front of door a few feet away and then film them walking in.
Then we move the camera to the other person in the room reacting to the other person walking in. Then a shot reverse shot is used while they have a conversation.
When all is shot we then went for to the editing suite where we took the clips we didn’t need out and put the parts we needed in.